Almost three years, due to the pandemic, have had to pass for the brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Paz in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem and María Santísima de la Palma to go out on the streets again and people have not let down and an immense amount of public relived the week of passion on its first day of Palm Sunday.
Commonly known as “La Borriquita” (the little donkey), as it represents the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem mounted on a colt, the brotherhood was founded in 1956 and is based in the church of San Agustín. It is accompanied by the canopy of María Santísima de la Palma, whose carving dates back to the 17th century. It is one of the most beloved processions because it is the one that opens the doors of Holy Week in Marchena.
Holy Week in Marchena is the Christian commemoration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ and an important cultural and tourist event. Listed as being of National Tourist Interest, Holy Week is intensely experienced by marcheneros, who prepare for the date all year long. Seven brotherhoods procession, many of them founded between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.