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Our Father Jesus Nazarene and Mary Most Holy of Tears Marchena Seville Holy Week 2022

One of the most anticipated days of Passion Week arrives, Good Friday, and the people wait to see their Lord Jesus Nazarene together with Saint John the Evangelist and Mary Most Holy of Tears.

The Archconfraternity, with canonical headquarters in the parish of San Miguel Arcángel (Saint Michael Archangel), was founded in the seventeenth century, is one of the most acclaimed by the people and that provokes the greatest fervor.

With its departure in the “madrugá” (early morning) of Good Friday, at 6:00 in the morning, the processional figure of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, dated between the years 1580-1600, Saint John the Evangelist and Mary Most Holy of Tears, begin a long journey towards the Ducal Square, where the “Mandate” has been celebrated for centuries, a staging of the Gospels of the Passion of Christ proposed as an intangible heritage of humanity.

It also has its own Roman century, on foot and on horseback.

Video of Holy Week Marchena Seville 2022

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