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Visual Artist. Fine Art Photography. Feel the magic of fantasy, the epic and the majestic, mystical and spiritual awe.

Via Crucis school Santa Isabel Marchena 2022 (video and photo report)

As in previous years, I could not pass up the opportunity to do a report on the Via Crucis del Cristo de la Providencia of the Santa Isabel de Hungría school in Marchena (Seville). On this occasion, in addition, I am beginning to shoot professional video with a DSLR reflex camera.

Via Crucis is a Latin term that means “Way of the Cross”, referring to the path that Christ walked during his Passion, from his trial to Calvary. It also refers to a type of devotion, which is meditated and contemplated walking and stopping at the stations that represent each of the episodes of Christ’s path.

The cross with the recumbent Christ is carried by the students of 4th E.S.O., and in front of them procession with candles, crosses and incense students of lower courses and teachers. A musical group also made up of students accompanies the Via Crucis.

The Santa Isabel de Hungría school was founded in 1890 by Blessed Mother Carmen del Niño Jesús and is currently a bilingual concerted school that caters to students of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education (ESO).

For the video report, I opted for a cinematographic style, with a wide-aperture prime lens and careful editing. For the photos I have preferred to use black and white, as in previous via crucis.

Video report school Via Crucis in Spain
School Via Crucis in Spain
School Via Crucis in Spain
School Via Crucis in Spain
School Via Crucis in Spain
School Via Crucis in Spain
School Via Crucis in Spain
School Via Crucis in Spain

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