Fair of Marchena 2022 full report HERE
Listen. Go and order a jug of “rebujito” (white wine mixed with lemon-lime soda and lots of ice) and come back so I can tell you about my beloved Fair of Marchena while we drink it out and get drunk.
I will tell you how this centuries old tradition gets together tons of “marcheneros”, women with their flamenco suits, and horse riders (men and women) in their traditional “traje de corto” on top of their horses while they ride them through the Real de la Feria with their characteristic equine elegance.
Every day the tents get crowded with people many of them coming back to their homeland to meet with their beloved ones and to feel the happiness and unique atmosphere that can be sensed in the fair.
Put a flower on your hair, gypsy woman, dress up your polka dotted suit, and dance some “sevillanas” the way only you know.