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Marchena Fair 2022: we returned with much more enthusiasm

Three years have passed since the last fair and of course this year the town was eager. The atmosphere has been fantastic, the booths and the organization excellent. The fair has returned as it deserved, in a big way.

Photos of the Marchena Fair 2022 below.

Video Marchena Fair 2022 cinematographic style

Video of the Marchena 2022 Film Fair.

Mago de Oz Live Performance

On Friday there was a concert by the folk metal band Mago de Oz on the esplanade of the Church of Santa María de la Mota and the convent of the Poor Clares, in a historic place in Marchena, the Ducal Palace.

“Today is a very special day for Mago de Oz. A day I will never forget. Mago de Oz performing at a cloistered nunnery! – Victor de Andrés, guitarist.

Listening live to Fiesta Pagana has been a tremendous experience.

Video of the Mago de Oz concert in Marchena 2022

Fair Thursday – concert at El Soniquete 2017

Concert in El Soniquete 2017 fair tent flamenco band A tu vera in the fair of Marchena 2022

Photos of the Marchena Fair 2022

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