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Visual Artist. Fine Art Photography. Feel the magic of fantasy, the epic and the majestic, mystical and spiritual awe.

Solemn Sweet Name of Jesus of Marchena

Holy Thursday is always one of the most anticipated days of Spanish Holy Week. Two of the most glorious brotherhoods of the town of Marchena take the streets this day: Dulce Nombre de Jesús y Nuestra Señora de la Piedad (Sweet Name of Jesus and Our Lady of Piety), and Cristo de la Vera Cruz y Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza (Christ of the True Cross and Our Lady of Hope).

In this present reportage I’ll show only pictures from Sweet Name of Jesus and Our Lady of Piety, also know as the brotherhood of the children, as it shows an sculpture of a child Jesus.

The solemnity and majesty of this brotherhood only can be felt in person, but I tried to reflect it the best I could in my pictures, I hope you enjoy them:

Holy Week in Spain Cultural Tradition
Holy Week in Spain Cultural Tradition
Virgin Mary canopy float Holy Week in Spain Cultural Tradition
Holy Week in Spain Cultural Tradition
Holy Week in Spain Cultural Tradition
Holy Week in Spain Cultural Tradition

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