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Visual Artist. Fine Art Photography. Feel the magic of fantasy, the epic and the majestic, mystical and spiritual awe.

If they copy you it’s because you are doing it right

They watch you, they judge you, they envy you and then they copy you.

There are opportunistic people without personality that when they see someone that is doing well in something they do not hesitate to copy him/her. They take advantage of the success of that person to steal the spotlight and take credit. Emotional vampires that feed on the ideas of others for their own benefit. This is called plagiarism.

The bad news for these people that copy you is that they will always be a cheap copy, because they do not know what they are doing as deeply as the person they imitate, since they only copy what they see, the superficial, the apparent. It will never be comparable a Nike, an Adidas or a Lacoste, with their ‘made in china’ imitations of a flea market.

Even so being copied is the best compliment that can be given to a person. It is a sign of admiration, that he/she is in the right path. No one imitates something that is not worthwhile, it’s only copied what is striking and important.

What bothers me is the opportunism that this implies. Doing the same thing that another person does to get what the other person has achieved but without effort, is to fall very low. Instead of being original and working hard, this is taking the easy way by making a cheap imitation. What a lack of character!

Also, as I said, a copy will never achieve the same quality as the original, which means that, by definition, the copy will always be behind the copied one. A photocopy always has less quality than the original document.

Nobody will ever be able to be more you than yourself, no matter how hard they try.

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Cinematograselfies fine art selfportrait photography by Francisco González SOLEMNITY
Emotional vampires feed up your ideas for their own benefit.

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