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A name with lots of history. And a castle! Morón de la Frontera

It is well known that one of my favorite subjects to photograph are the monuments and urban architecture of historic cities, and that I am well surrounded by very culturally rich places. Just 27 kilometers away by road, I come across the beautiful streets of the town of Morón de la Frontera, with 27,844 inhabitants.

According to the official version given by historians, included in the official site of the municipal council, the name of the city of Morón de la Frontera, in the province of Seville (Andalusia, south of Spain) comes from the Hispano-Roman empire when they called it in Latin “Maurorum” which means “of the Moors“. During the Muslim era that name derived to “Mauror” and after the Christian reconquest it was renamed “Morón”. “De la Frontera” refers to the fact that it bordered the kingdom of Granada.

My goal for this day is in the highest part of the city, where we find the church of San Miguel and the ruins of the old Arab castle accompanied by panoramic views of the entire region, worth seeing.

The church of San Miguel Arcángel (Saint Michael Archangel) was built after the collapse in 1503 of a previous medieval temple, which in turn replaced a mosque, of which the minaret is the current bell tower of the church. This church is also known as the Little Cathedral of the Sierra Sur.

The old castle, of Arab origin, stands majestically on top of the hill. Built around the 11th and 12th centuries, only remains the ruins of a few towers.

The church of San Miguel Arcángel in Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia south of Spain
The church of San Miguel Arcángel in Moron de la Frontera (Seville)
BellTower of The church of San Miguel Arcángel in Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia south of Spain
BellTower of The church of San Miguel Arcángel in Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia south of Spain
Storks in The church of San Miguel Arcángel in Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia south of Spain
Tower of the old arab castle of Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia South of Spain
Lateral face of The church of San Michael Archangel in Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia south of Spain
House of Culture and Tribute to poet Fernando Villalon from Moron de la Frontera
Frontface and belltower of The church of San Miguel Arcángel in Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia south of Spain
Tower of the old arab castle of Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia South of Spain
Tower of the old arab castle of Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia South of Spain
Two Towers of the old arab castle of Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia South of Spain

Tower of the old arab castle of Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia South of Spain
Tower of the old arab castle of Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia South of Spain
Panoramic view of the region and sierra sur from the top of Morón de la Frontera Seville
Panorama of the city of Moron de la Frontera Seville Andalusia South of Spain
Panorama of the city of Moron de la Frontera

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